Nagios Connector
Beside client management is monitoring one the central functions in a modern IT service management. With opsi you got a client management tool. For monitoring tasks there are other well known open source solutions. So we build for the monitoring tasks in opsi not an own monitoring tool but an interface to existing solutions. With this opsi extension we provide a connector to Nagios.
In the following chapters the design and configuration of the opsi-Nagios-Connector is explained.
The opsi-Nagios-Connector isn’t strictly bound to Nagios. It is developed for the use with Nagios and Icinga. It should also work with other Nagios derivatives but this is whether tested nor supported.
The scope of this manual is the design and configuration of the opsi-Nagios-Connector. It is not a Nagios manual. You will need a running Nagios installation and the knowledge how to run Nagios.
Preconditions at the opsi server and client
This module is currently a paid extension. This means that you need a license file to unlock it. You will receive this file after you have purchased the extension. For evaluation purposes, we’re happy to provide you with a temporary license free of charge. Please contact us via email. |
The opsi-Nagios-Connector contains of two core components. At first we will discuss these core components.
opsi web service extension
The heart of the opsi-Nagios-Connector are extended features of the opsi web service. These web service extension make it possible to run checks via web service on the opsi server. So the Nagios server calls checks via web service which are executed on the opsi-Server and the results come back to the Nagios server via opsi web service. The advantage of this solution is that there is nearly nothing to do on the monitored opsi server.
The focus of the opsi web service extension lies on opsi specific checks like e.g. rollout monitoring. For the 'normal' server monitoring you should use still standard check methods.
opsi-client-agent extension
An other part of the opsi-Nagios-Connector is an extension of the opsi-client-agent.
In a opsi environment on every managed client runs a opsi-client-agent. With this extension you may use the opsi-client-agent as Nagios agent as well. But in fact not all features of a standard Nagios agent like NSClient++
are implemented at the opsi-client-agent. You may use the opsi-client-agent to run command line programs and send back the output.
If you not use all functions like NSCA but rather some standard checks per plugin on the client or a set of own plugins on the clients you can use the opsi-client-agent.
If you need more features for the client monitoring you should rollout a standard agent like NSClient++
via opsi.
The advantage of using the opsi-client-agent as Nagios agent is, that you don’t need an additional agent on the client and that you don’t need any access data for the clients at the monitoring server. These data is not needed because all check run via the opsi server. This makes the configuration a lot more easier.
The following chapter explains the goals and configurations of the opsi-checks.
Some background information about where to run the checks
Monitoring administrators know the difference between active and passive checks.
With the opsi-Nagios-Connector we get a new difference: direct and indirect.
The check which collects information about a client runs on that client, get the information direct from the client and sends the information back. -
The check which collects information about a client runs on the opsi server and get the information from the opsi configuration data which is stored in the opsi backend. So - this information may be different from the actual situation of the client.
A good example for an indirect check is the check-opsi-client-status
. This check gives you for a given client information about pending action request and reported failures of the opsi software deployment.. So this are information about the client from the opsi servers point of view. Therefore this check runs on the opsi server and is an indirect check. A check which runs on the client is a direct check.
For a correct distribution and configuration of the checks you have to analyze your opsi installation.
According to the flexibility of opsi many various opsi configurations are possible. So here we can only explain some typical situations. Of course we will get help for special situations by our comercial support.
only one opsi server:
The opsi stand alone installation is the situation that you will find at the most opsi environments. At this installation the opsi config server functionality is at the same server like the (one and only) opsi depot server functionality.
This means to you, that you may ignore if a check has to be run on the config server or the depot server.

opsi with multiple depotservers:
If you have a central management of a multi location opsi environment (one config server, multiple depot servers) the situation is more complicated. So you have to understand the situation:

As the figure points out there is only one server which have data storage for the configuration data - the data backend. This is the opsi config server. The opsi depot server has no own data storage but a redirected backend. This means that if you ask a depot server for any configuration data, this question will be redirected to the config server. And this leads to the consequence that every check which runs against the opsi data backend will at least run on the config server. So you should address checks that run against the backend always to the config server. Even in the situation if you are collecting information about clients which are assigned to a depot which is different from the config server and the check is logically part of the check of this depot server.
If you running direct checks you normally also address the config server. You may address the depot server if the clients can’t be reached by the opsi config server via port 4441. In this case it is a good idea to address the depot server.

At the nagios server there is only one opsi-check-plugin which provides a wide range of different checks. According to the number of features there is also a big number of command line options. So - just list all these options won’t help you much. Instead the option will be explained in the context of documentation of the possible checks.
How ever to get a listing of all options you may call check_opsi
with the parameters --help
or -h
The following general options are needed for every check:
Option |
Description |
Example |
-H,--host |
opsi server which should run the check |
configserver.domain.local |
-P,--port |
opsi webservice port |
4447 (Default) |
-u,--username |
opsi monitoring user |
monitoring |
-p,--password |
opsi monitoring password |
monitoring123 |
-t,--task |
opsi check method (case sensitive) |
The following chapter describes how to call the opsi-check-plugin is called on the command line. How you have to configure these calls at your Nagios server is described at the chapter 'configuration'.
In order to install the opsi-check-plugin on your Nagios server you should add the opsi repository to your server and install the package 'opsi-nagios-plugins'.
For example at Debian or Ubuntu with the following commands:
apt-get install opsi-nagios-plugins
On RedHat/Centos Servers please use the follwing command:
yum install opsi-nagios-plugins
And last but not least for openSUSE/SLES Installations:
zypper install opsi-nagios-plugins
The plugin it self is written in python and should ran at any distribution.
The package bases on the package 'nagios-plugins-basic' respectivly 'nagios-plugins' and installs the plugin to /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
According to the flexibility of the check_plugin there is no automatic configuration.
Check: opsi web service
This check monitors the opsi web service process (opsiconfd). This check returns also performance data. You should run this check on every opsi server because every opsi server have a opsiconfd process.
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiWebservice
This check return normally OK.
You will get other return values in the following situations:
If the opsiconfd is in trouble and can’t reply correctly.
If the opsiconfd consumes more than 80% of the cpu.
If you have a rate of RPC errors of more than 20%.
If the opsiconfd consumes more than 60% (but less than 80%) of the cpu.
If you have a rate of RPC errors of more than 10% but less than 20%
The opsi web service could not be reached.
NOTICE: The percentage value of the cpu consumption belongs always to one cpu because the opsiconfd only may use one cpu. (This may change with the opsi multi processing extension)
Check: opsi-check-diskusage
This check monitors the usage of the resources (directories) which are used by opsi. The following table shows the resource names and the corresponding directories:
Resource name |
Path |
/ |
/usr/share/opsiconfd/static |
configed |
/usr/lib/configed |
depot |
/var/lib/opsi/depot |
repository |
/var/lib/opsi/repository |
Please note that this check monitors only opsi relevant data and do replace a general disk usage check for the server.
The following command retrieves all resources at one time:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDiskUsage
In addition to this standard variant you may restrict the check to the resource repository
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDiskUsage --resource repository
The default result value of this check is 'OK' and the free space of the resources. The free space is given in Gigabyte. The default values for the 'Warning' and 'Critical' results are:
WARNING: If at least one resource have 5GB or less free space.
CRITICAL: If at least one resource have 1GB or less free space.
This are the default thresholds. They may changed by giving other values for 'Warning' with the -W or --warning options and for 'Critical' wit the -C or --critical option. With these options you can give the thresholds as Gigabyte (G) and as percent (%) as well. The produced output uses the same unit which is used to define the thresholds.
Finally an example:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDiskUsage --resource repository --warning 10% --critical 5%
Check: opsi-client-status
One of the targets of the opsi Nagios connector is the software roll out monitoring by viewing to single clients. This is one of the checks which is designed for this job. More exactly: the 'software roll out' and 'last seen' situation of a certain client is checked.
The result of the following checks is determined by two different states:
The roll out state of one or more software products:
The software roll out state results to:-
'OK' if the software is installed at the in the same product and package version which is available at the server and no action request is set.
'Warning' if the software is installed in version that is different to the servers version or if any action request is set.
'Critical' if there is a 'failed' reported by the last action.
The time since 'last seen':
The time since 'last seen' results to:-
'OK' if the client has bee seen less or equal then 30 days before.
'Warning' if the client has bee seen more then 30 days before.
This check may used in different variants, here is the simplest one, which includes all software packages:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkClientStatus -c opsiclient.domain.local
As variant it is possible to exclude products from the check. For example:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkClientStatus -c opsiclient.domain.local -x firefox
In the example above the product 'firefox' was excluded from the check. So this check would not switch to critical because the last action on 'firefox' reported a failure.
Check: opsi-check-ProductStatus
An other target of the opsi Nagios connector is the software roll out monitoring by viewing to single product or a group of products.
The result of the following checks is determined by the following states:
The software roll out state results to: * 'OK' if the software is installed at the in the same product and package version which is available at the server and no action request is set. * 'Warning' if the software is installed in version that is different to the servers version or if any action request is set. * 'Critical' if there is a 'failed' reported by the last action.
This checks has many variants and is so very flexible. The bast way to explain these variants are examples.
The simplest variant check one product on all clients. Here you have to give the product as the opsi productId
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkProductStatus -e firefox
In a simple one server opsi environment, this check is all you need to check the state of the product 'firefox' on every client.
You will get the information how many clients are in 'Warning' and in 'Critical' states.
To get the information which clients exactly have the problems, you should call the check in the verbose mode
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkProductStatus -e firefox -v
An other variant is, that you may exclude a client from the check.
//// produkt muss angegebn werden ?! ////
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkProductStatus -e firefox -x client.domain.local
In a opsi environment with multiple depot servers you have to use additional options to check also the clients that are not assigned to the config servers depot. If you have multiple depots, you may give the depots name as parameter:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkProductStatus -e firefox -d depotserver.domain.local
The reason is that the version of the software packages may differ between your depots. So every client has to be checked against the versions at the depot where they are assigned to. An advantage is that can place the display of the results to the depot server.
You may give instead of the depot servers name the keyword 'all' which means all known depot servers. But this normally make only sense if you have only one or two depots. You may also give a comma separated list of depot servers.
An other way to define the checks is to give the name of a opsi groups. So you may check the software roll out state of all products in a given opsi product group. If you have for example a product group 'accounting' you may use the following call:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkProductStatus -g accounting
Now you will check all products that are Members of the opsi product group 'accounting' by this single check. Important is to see, that the resolution of the opsi group is done while the check at the opsi server. So you may change the opsi group at the opsi Management interface and so you will change the products that will checked without any changes at the Nagios server.
Sub groups (groups in groups) will not be resolved. |
In the same way it is possible to define the clients that should be checked by giving the name of a opsi client group.
An example for a client group 'productiveclients':
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkProductStatus -g accounting -G productiveclients
This would check all products of the product group 'accounting' at all clients of the client group 'productiveclients'.
Sub groups (groups in groups) will not be resolved. |
You may also give a comma separated list of opsi groups. |
Finally opsi-Clients can be excluded:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkProductStatus -g buchhaltung -G produktivclients -x client.domain.local
Check: opsi-check-depotsync
If you are using multiple opsi depots the monitoring of synchronicity is important. Even if your depots are for good reasons not completely synchronize they should be synchrony as much as possible to avoid problems by moving a client from one depot to another.
This check monitors if your depots are synchronize according to product ids, product versions and package versions.
This check returns:
If all is in sync. -
If there is any difference
You should run this check always on the config server because all the data come from the backend of the config server.
Here are some examples.
The base variant:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDepotSyncStatus
This base variant is equivalent to the following call:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDepotSyncStatus -d all
So if you don’t give the depots which are have to be checked, all known depots will be checked. If you have a lot of depots the interpretation of the result is complicated, so it is a good idea to define a lot of single checks where the depots are given as comma separated list:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDepotSyncStatus -d configserver.domain.local,depotserver.domain.local
With this check you compare all products, that are installed on both depots. Any product which is installed only on one of the depot is ignored and will not effect the result.
If you want to include products which are not installed on all checked depots, you have to use the strictmode
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDepotSyncStatus -d configserver.domain.local,depotserver.domain.local --strictmode
Now also differences about missing products will be seen.
If you like to exclude a product from the check (perhaps because this product should be in different versions on different depots) you may do this by using the -x
option. Here you may also use a comma separated list:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDepotSyncStatus -d configserver.domain.local,depotserver.domain.local --strictmode -x firefox,thunderbird
This check will not warn if the products 'firefox' or 'thunderbird' or not in sync.
Instead of excluding products you may give an explicit list of products that has to been checked:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDepotSyncStatus -d configserver.domain.local,depotserver.domain.local --strictmode -e firefox,thunderbird
In this case only 'firefox' and 'thunderbird' will be checked. We recommend to use this check variant with strictmode
to see if one of the products is missing.
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 -t checkOpsiDepotSync
Check: Locked products on depots
During the installation of a new opsi package on an opsi server a lock will be set for the product on the depot. Once the installation has been successfully completed the lock will be removed. The duration of an opsi package can sometime require an usual amount of time without failing. If the lock is kept for a long time then this can be an indication of installation problems.
This check searches for existing locks on your depots.
This check returns:
If there aren’t currently any locked products on opsi-servers. -
If there is at least one locked product on an opsi-server.
You should run this check always on the config server because all the data comes from the backend of the config server.
This check requires at least the following versions:
package | version |
opsi-nagios-plugins |
>= |
opsiconfd |
>= |
Basic check execution:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 --task checkProductLocks
This is equivalent to the following call:
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 --task checkProductLocks -d all
If you want to limit the checks to specific depots you have to supply them as a comma separated list. The result can get harder to interpret if the output for multiple servers is mixed and our recommendation is to define a check per depot.
The following example checks for the two depots 'configserver.domain.local' and 'depotserver.domain.local':
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 --task checkProductLocks --depotIds configserver.domain.local,depotserver.domain.local
By default all products will be checked It is possible to only limit the check to specific products. This takes a comma-separated list of product IDs.
This example will check two specific servers and limit the check to the products 'opsi-client-agent' and 'opsi-winst':
check_opsi -H configserver.domain.local -P 4447 -u monitoring -p monitoring123 --task checkProductLocks --depotIds configserver.domain.local,depotserver.domain.local --productIds opsi-client-agent,opsi-winst
opsi monitoring configuration
This chapter focuses on the configuration that have to been made for a working interface between the opsi and the Nagios server. Just see this as a recommendation, there will be a lot of other ways to do the job.
This description uses a Nagios server as monitoring server. On a Icinga server it should work very similar but you have to change some path entries. It should also work on other Nagios derivatives but this is not tested.
The configurationfiles from these Chapter are in opsi-nagios-connector-utils svn-Repository. To get these example configurationfiles you can connect over a browser to following url:
or you can make a direct checkout from repository with following command:
opsi monitoring user
In monitoring environments you will often find that the access is just restricted by IP numbers. Because of the lack of security of this solution we decided to work with a real user / password security in this opsi extension.
Using the opsi standard group opsiadmin
would give the Nagios more rights than needed. So you have to create an own opsi user for the opsi-Nagios-Connector.
In the following example a user named 'monitoring' with the password 'monitoring123' is created for opsi:
opsi-admin -d method user_setCredentials monitoring monitoring123
The created user 'monitoring' will be stored with its encrypted password at the /etc/opsi/passwd
and is not a user which may be used to login at a shell. In fact it is no real Unix user.
You have to create this user only on your config server, even if you have multiple depots.
At your Nagios server you should mask the user and password by making an entry at the /etc/nagios3/resource.cfg
. This should look for example like this:
The number behind '$USER' may vary. If this configuration was not used before, there should be only $USER1$
be used. According to what you are using here, you might have to change the other examples in this manual.
opsi-Nagios-Connector configuration directory
To make the maintenance of the Nagios configuration easier, we recommend to put all 'opsi nagios connector' related configuration files in one separated place.
So just create below /etc/nagios3/conf.d
a new directory named opsi
for these configurations.
The configuration files we will place in this directory are:
Nagios Template:
Server Hosts:
<full name of the server>.cfg
All the client configuration files we recommend to put in sub directory of this place. Therefore you create below /etc/nagios3/conf.d/opsi
another directory named clients
Nagios template: opsitemplates.cfg
Using templates is a standard functionality of Nagios which will not explained here. The main advantage is that it makes the single configuration files smaller and easier to read (and write).
Inside of the templates we use some Nagios 'custom variables' for often used values. According to the fact, that the most checks have to run on the opsi config server, we will define the name and port of the config server as such a 'custom variable':
_configserver configserver.domain.local
_configserverurl 4447
You will find this below in the template definitions.
These 'custom variables' may later on be referenced by the Nagios macros: $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$
. (These macros have leading 'HOST' in their name, because they are defined inside of a host definition).
For more details on variable and macro take look at your Nagios documentation.
Now the first file we create in /etc/nagios3/conf.d/opsi
is the template definition file opsitemplates.cfg
This file may hold different templates. Every template is created according to the following patter (which contains comments for better understanding):
define host{
name opsihost-tmp ; The name of this host template
notifications_enabled 1 ; Host notifications are enabled
event_handler_enabled 1 ; Host event handler is enabled
flap_detection_enabled 1 ; Flap detection is enabled
process_perf_data 0 ; Process performance data
retain_status_information 1 ; Retain status information across program restarts
retain_nonstatus_information 1 ; Retain non-status information across program restarts
max_check_attempts 10
notification_interval 0
notification_period 24x7
notification_options d,u,r
contact_groups admins
icon_image opsi/opsi-client.png
* The optional option icon_image may put it to an image with relative path below: /usr/share/nagios3/htdocs/images/logos/
* Optional you may give an own 'contact_group', which have to be defined as contact object, for example in the file opsicontacts.cfg
Now we recommend to create templates for the following objects
opsi server
opsi client
opsi service
Let’s start with the example of the opsi server template:
define host{
name opsi-server-tmpl
notifications_enabled 1
event_handler_enabled 1
flap_detection_enabled 1
process_perf_data 1
retain_status_information 1
retain_nonstatus_information 1
check_command check-host-alive
max_check_attempts 10
notification_interval 0
notification_period 24x7
notification_options d,u,r
contact_groups admins,opsiadmins
_configserver configserver.domain.local
_configserverport 4447
register 0
icon_image opsi/opsi-client.png
You just have to change 'configserver.domain.local' to your config server name. Also you may change the 'contact_groups' to your needs.
The next part of the file opsitemplates.cfg
is the template for the clients:
define host{
name opsi-client-tmpl
notifications_enabled 1
event_handler_enabled 1
flap_detection_enabled 1
process_perf_data 1
retain_status_information 1
retain_nonstatus_information 1
max_check_attempts 10
notification_interval 0
notification_period 24x7
notification_options d,u,r
contact_groups admins,opsiadmins
_configserver configserver.domain.local
_configserverport 4447
register 0
icon_image opsi/opsi-client.png
The Option "check command check-host-alive" should be not set here because the clients are not always running. In effect the clients will be displayed as 'pending' instead of 'offline'.
You just have to change 'configserver.domain.local' to your config server name. Also you may change the 'contact_groups' to your needs.
The next part of the file opsitemplates.cfg
is the template for the opsi-services:
define service{
name opsi-service-tmpl
active_checks_enabled 1
passive_checks_enabled 1
parallelize_check 1
obsess_over_service 1
check_freshness 0
notifications_enabled 1
event_handler_enabled 1
flap_detection_enabled 1
process_perf_data 1
retain_status_information 1
retain_nonstatus_information 1
notification_interval 0
is_volatile 0
check_period 24x7
check_interval 5
retry_interval 1
max_check_attempts 4
notification_period 24x7
notification_options w,u,c,r
contact_groups admins,opsiadmins
register 0
opsi hostgroup: opsihostgroups.cfg
The nest step is to define the hostgroups. This helps to structure the display of the results as well as the service definitions.
So create a file named opsihostgroups.cfg
wit the following content:
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name opsi-Clients
alias OPSI-Clients
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name opsi-Server
alias OPSI-Server
members configserver.domain.local, depotserver.domain.local
Do not forget to edit the 'member' line.
opsi server: <full name of the server>.cfg
The next step is to create for every opsi server you are running an own configuration file. This file should be named based on the pattern <full name of the server>.cfg
. For example configserver.domain.local.cfg
(You may also create one file (e.g. opsihost.cfg
with all server definitions).
The content should look like this:
define host{
use opsi-server-tmpl
host_name configserver.domain.local
hostgroups opsi-Server
alias opsi Configserver
address configserver.domain.local
define host{
use opsi-server-tmpl
host_name depotserver.domain.local
hostgroups opsi-Server
alias opsi Depotserver
address depotserver.domain.local
Explanation of the entries: * 'use' references to the used template. * 'hostgroups' tells us to which hostgroup this server belongs.
opsi Clients: clients/<full name of the client>.cfg
The opsi client configurations should be placed in an own sub directory. They should be defined like this:
define host{
use opsi-client-tmpl
host_name client.domain.local
hostgroups opsi-Clients
alias opsi client
address client.domain.local
_depotid depotserver.domain.local
This client configuration uses again a 'custom variable': _depotid
. This 'custom variable' may be referenced by the macro $_HOSTDEPOTID$
The usage is optional. If a client may be not connected by the opsi configuration server directly, you will here write down from which depot server the client can be contacted.
To make it easier to create the configuration files for your large number of opsi clients, you may run the following script on your opsi configuration server:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from OPSI.Backend.BackendManager import *
template = '''
define host {
use opsi-client-tmpl
host_name %hostId%
hostgroups opsi-Clients
alias %hostId%
address %hostId%
backend = BackendManager(
dispatchConfigFile = u'/etc/opsi/backendManager/dispatch.conf',
backendConfigDir = u'/etc/opsi/backends',
extensionConfigDir = u'/etc/opsi/backendManager/extend.d',
hosts = backend.host_getObjects(type="OpsiClient")
for host in hosts:
filename = "%s.cfg" %
entry = template.replace("%hostId%",
f = open(filename, 'w')
opsi command configuration: opsicommands.cfg
Now we have to define which of the check commands, which are described before, we want to use. You should do this in a file named opsicommands.cfg
This is just an example which you may change to your needs:
First let us explain the structure of the entries:
define command{
command_name check_opsi_clientstatus
command_line $USER1$/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkClientStatus -c $HOSTADDRESS$
The command_name
will be used by other configuration files. The option command_line
defines the command and all used arguments.
Based on this pattern we create now the file opsicommands.cfg
define command {
command_name check_opsiwebservice
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -P 4447 -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkOpsiWebservice
define command {
command_name check_opsidiskusage
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkOpsiDiskUsage
define command {
command_name check_opsiclientstatus
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkClientStatus -c $HOSTADDRESS$
define command {
command_name check_opsiproductstatus
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkProductStatus -e $ARG1$ -d $HOSTADDRESS$ -v
define command {
command_name check_opsiproductStatus_withGroups
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkProductStatus -g $ARG1$ -G $ARG2$ -d "all"
define command {
command_name check_opsiproductStatus_withGroups_long
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkProductStatus -g $ARG1$ -G $ARG2$ -v -d "all"
define command {
command_name check_opsidepotsync
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkDepotSyncStatus -d $ARG1$
define command {
command_name check_opsidepotsync_long
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkDepotSyncStatus -d $ARG1$ -v
define command {
command_name check_opsidepotsync_strict
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkDepotSyncStatus -d $ARG1$ --strict
define command {
command_name check_opsidepotsync_strict_long
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_opsi -H $_HOSTCONFIGSERVER$ -P $_HOSTCONFIGSERVERPORT$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER3$ -t checkDepotSyncStatus -d $ARG1$ --strict -v
Contacts: opsicontacts.cfg
This define the contacts which will get notifications.
define contact{
contact_name adminuser
alias Opsi
service_notification_period 24x7
host_notification_period 24x7
service_notification_options w,u,c,r
host_notification_options d,r
service_notification_commands notify-service-by-email
host_notification_commands notify-host-by-email
email root@localhost
define contactgroup{
contactgroup_name opsiadmins
alias opsi Administrators
members adminuser
You should replace 'adminuser' by one or more real users.
Services: opsiservices.cfg
Finally we define with the 'services' what the Nagios server have to monitor and to display. This definition are using the definition of the other configuration file above like templates, commands and hostgroups or hosts.
As first part we define the services which give us information’s about the servers. One of these is the check if the depots are in sync, which is here down against 'all' known depots.
define service{
use opsi-service-tmpl
hostgroup_name opsi-Server
service_description opsi-Webservice
check_command check_opsiwebservice
check_interval 1
define service{
use opsi-service-tmpl
hostgroup_name opsi-Server
service_description opsi-diskusage
check_command check_opsidiskusage
check_interval 1
define service{
use opsi-service-tmpl
hostgroup_name opsi-Server
service_description opsi-depotsyncstatus-longoutput
check_command check_opsidepotsync_long!all
check_interval 10
define service{
use opsi-service-tmpl
hostgroup_name opsi-Server
service_description opsi-depotsyncstatus-strict-longoutput
check_command check_opsidepotsync_strict_long!all
check_interval 10
The next part is the monitoring of the software roll out. In one check a concrete opsi product 'opsi-client-agent' is mentioned. In two other check are referenced on a opsi product group 'opsiessentials' and opsi client group 'productiveclients'.
define service{
use opsi-service-tmpl
hostgroup_name opsi-Clients
service_description opsi-clientstatus
check_command check_opsiclientstatus
check_interval 10
define service{
use opsi-service-tmpl
hostgroup_name opsi-Server
service_description opsi-productstatus-opsiclientagent
check_command check_opsiproductstatus!opsi-client-agent
check_interval 10
define service{
use opsi-service-tmpl
hostgroup_name opsi-Server
service_description opsi-productstatus-opsiessentials-group
check_command check_opsiproductStatus_withGroups!opsiessentials!productiveclients
check_interval 10
define service{
use opsi-service-tmpl
hostgroup_name opsi-Server
service_description opsi-productstatus-opsiessentials-group-longoutput
check_command check_opsiproductStatus_withGroups_long!opsiessentials!productiveclients
check_interval 10