Adding Products (opsi Server)

To distribute software with opsi, ready-made products are available for installation. These products include Client Agent (macOS), which must be installed on all clients to enable administration with opsi.

There are two ways to add opsi products:

We recommend the first variant, which involves the automatic import of opsi products.

Installing Products automatically

To install opsi products automatically, use the command line tool opsi-package-updater (refer to section opsi-package-updater). This tool automatically downloads the current packages from the opsi repository and installs them on the server.

To configure the tool:

  • /etc/opsi/opsi-package-updater.conf: This is the configuration file with general settings, such as the location for downloaded packages, logfile, log level, timeout, directory for the repositories, etc.

  • /etc/opsi/package-updater.repos.d/: This directory is for the repositories. To activate a repository, set the entry active = true in the respective .repo file.

The .repo files define, among other things, the URL and directories of the package source, optional username and password for authentication, automatic update and installation, etc.

If internet access is via a proxy, specify this in the .repo configuration files in the /etc/opsi/package-updater.repos.d/ directory as the value for proxy. A global proxy can be configured in the file /etc/opsi/opsi-package-updater.conf.

To install the packages from the repository uib-windows.repo using the opsi-package-updater, execute the following command as the user root:

opsi-package-updater -v --repo uib_windows install

The repository is named uib-linux.repo for Linux users and uib-mac.repo for macOS users.

After successful installation, reload all data in the Management Interface opsi-configed to make the new products visible there.

You can also use the tool to update installed packages:

opsi-package-updater -v update
Please be aware that products for operating system installation are not immediately ready for use after installation. They must still be supplemented with the installation files of the corresponding installation medium.

Installing Products manually

Alternatively, manually download the packages and install them using the opsi-package-manager tool (see section opsi-package-manager). opsi packages have the file extension .opsi; you can find them at in the folder for the respective operating system. We recommend to save the .opsi packages in the /var/lib/opsi/repository directory.

To ensure that the opsiconfd service can access the files, execute the following command as user root after the download: opsi-set-rights /var/lib/opsi/repository.

You can install a package on the opsi server as root with this command:

opsi-package-manager -i <package>.opsi