The Copyright of this manual is held by uib gmbh in Mainz, Germany.
This manual is published under the creative commons license
'Attribution - ShareAlike' (by-sa).

A description of the license can be found here:
The legally binding text of the license can be found here:
Most parts of the opsi software is open source.
Not open source are the parts of the source code which contain new extensions.
See also: opsi extensions
All of the open source code is published under the AGPLv3.

The legally binding text of the AGPLv3 license can be found here:
Information about the AGPL:
For licenses to use opsi in the context of closed source software, please contact uib gmbh.
The names 'opsi', '', 'open pc server integration' and the opsi logo are registered trademarks of uib gmbh.