Using opsi-script on Linux or macOS


As of version 4.11.4 there is a Linux port of opsi-script.

As of version 4.12.1 there is a macOS port of opsi-script.

Conditionally to the progress on porting and the differences between Linux, Windows and macOS not all functionalities are available for all operating systems.

In the following section the availability is marked as:

  • [W/L/M] may be used on Windows, Linux and macOS as well

  • [W] Windows only

  • [L] Linux only

  • [M] macOS only

Important differences and hints

'opsi-script.exe' is at Windows a GUI application which may be started with the parameter /silent also without a GUI.

opsi-script is at Linux and macOS command line version which can be started without any access to a graphical display. Nevertheless this program starts a test if a access to a graphical display is possible and (if it is) starts the GUI version 'opsi-script-gui'. This feature may be suppressed by calling opsi-script with the parameter -silent.

'opsi-script-gui' is a graphical version which can not be started without access to a graphical display.

At Linux and macOS the parameter delimiter is not "/" but "-". So instead of calling opsi-script /help you should call opsi-script -help at Linux and macOS.

opsi-script path at Linux

Since opsi-client-agent 4.2 you will find all components of the opsi-script program at /opt/opsi-script/.

Before opsi-client-agent 4.2:

  • executable programs:

  • log files directories:
    if running with root privileges: /var/log/opsi-script
    if not running with root privileges: /tmp

  • language files:

  • skin files:
    Default = /usr/share/opsi-script/skin
    Custom = /usr/share/opsi-script/customskin

  • opsi-script library files:

Independent of the version:

  • log files directories:
    if running with root privileges: /var/log/opsi-script
    if not running with root privileges: /tmp

  • config files:

opsi-script path at macOS

You will find all components of the opsi-script program at /Applications/opsi-script/.

  • log files directories:
    if running with root privileges: /var/log/opsi-script
    if not running with root privileges: /tmp

  • config files:

Path handling in opsi-script

As of version 4.11.4 for all functions that expect a path as argument, the path string is converted to a valid path for the actual operating system. This means that all path delimiters will be set OS specific. For example a path string like /home/opsiproduct\myproduct\CLIENT_DATA will be on Linux converted to /home/opsiproduct/myproduct/CLIENT_DATA. Therefore it is not possible to handle files that have a backslash in their name.

Linux specific functions

For Linux support there are the following special functions:

  • GetOS // 'Linux' or 'Windows_NT' or 'macos' [W/L/M] GetOS

  • getLinuxDistroType // 'debian' or 'redhat' or 'suse' [L] GetOSgetLinuxDistroType

  • getLinuxVersionMap [L] getLinuxVersionMap

  • chmod in Files sections [L/M] xref:prim-section.adoc#chmod>>

  • waitForPackageLock(<wait_seconds>,<abort_on_timeout>`) : bool` waitForPackageLock

In the following chapters are some commands presented, that are useful to install software on Linux. These commands are part of the opsi-script library uib_lin_install.

For an overview we start to explain the different approaches of these commands.

  • distribution independent commands

    • cleanupPackageSystem

    • installupdates

  • Installation of one or more packages from an online repo for one specific distribution. (This is what you wnt to do if you have only one distribution in your organization)
    These command take a stringlist with the name of the packages to install as argument. If you want to install only one package you may use createStringList(<package name>) instead of $packagelist$.
    The given package names must match to your distribution. You have to choose the command that matches your distribution family.

    • debinstall($packagelist$ : stringlist) : string //since 4.12.4 [L]

    • redinstall($packagelist$ : stringlist) : string //since 4.12.4 [L]

    • suseinstall($packagelist$ : stringlist) : string //since 4.12.4 [L]

    • ucsinstall($packagelist$ : stringlist) : string //since 4.12.4 [L]

  • Installation / uninstall of one or more packages from an online repo for one specific distribution. This command is distribution independent.

    • genericLinInstall($packagelist$ : stringlist) : string

    • linuxRemoveOnePackage($packagename$ : string) : string

    • linuxInstallOneFile($packagefile$ : string) : string

  • Installation / check / uninstall of one package from an online repo for different distributions. Therefor this one package may have different names in different distributions. All these different names are part of the $packagelist$ argument. This command is distribution independent.

    • linuxInstallOneOf($packagelist$ : stringlist) : string

    • isOneInstalled($packagelist$ : stringlist) : string

    • linuxRemoveOneOf($packagelist$ : stringlist) : string

The details to these library commands you will find here: Documentation of opsi library: uib_lin_install.opsiscript

References to some mor Linux specific library function you will find at: Linux specific functions

Example scripts for Linux

Run on Linux only

DefVar $OS$

set $OS$ = GetOS

if not ($OS$ = "Linux")
	logError "Installation aborted: wrong OS version: only Linux allowed"
	isFatalError "wrong OS"

Which Linux Version

DefVar $distCodeName$
DefVar $distroName$
DefVar $distRelease$
DefVar $distrotype$

DefStringList $linuxInfo$

set $distrotype$ = getLinuxDistroType
set $linuxInfo$ = getLinuxVersionMap
set $distCodeName$ = getValue("Codename", $linuxInfo$)
set $distRelease$ = getValue("Release", $linuxInfo$)
set $distroName$  = getValue("Distributor ID", $linuxInfo$)
Table 1. getLinuxVersionMap Result Examples
Distro Distributor ID Release Codename Description

Ubuntu Focal




Debian 8




Debian GNU/Linux 8.3 (jessie)

openSUSE Leap 42.1




openSUSE Leap 42.1 (x86_64)





SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1

CentOS 7.0




CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)

RedHat 7.0




Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)

UCS 4.1


4.1-1 errata122


Univention Corporate Server 4.1-1 errata122 (Vahr)

ShellScript call



set -x
exit $?

It’s always a good idea to start with set -x for more information in the log and to set the PATH. You should end with exit $? so that the exitcode of the last call is the exitcode of the section.

Add a repository

Ubuntu / Debian
DefVar $newrepo$

set $newrepo$ = "deb ./"

comment "Method 1: use add-apt-repository ..."
comment "Method 2: use add-apt-repository ..."
PatchTextFile_add_repo_deb "/etc/apt/sources.list"

set -x
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get --yes --force-yes install software-properties-common
apt-get --yes --force-yes install python-software-properties
add-apt-repository '$newrepo$'
exit $?

FindLine_StartingWith "$newrepo$"
InsertLine "$newrepo$"

set -x
wget --no-check-certificate -O - $newrepo$/Release.key | apt-key add -
apt-get update
exit $?
DefVar $newrepo$

set $newrepo$ = ""


set -x
zypper --no-gpg-checks --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys ar --refresh $newrepo$
zypper --no-gpg-checks --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
exit $?
CentOS / Redhat
DefVar $newrepo$

set $newrepo$ = ""

comment "Method 1: use wget ..."
comment "Method 2: use PatchTextFile ..."
PatchTextFile_add_repo_redhat "/etc/yum.repos.d/mynew.repo"


set -x
yum -y install wget
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
wget --no-check-certificate $newrepo$
exit $?

AppendLine "[home_uibmz_opsi_opsi40]"
AppendLine "name=opsi 4.0 (CentOS_7)"
AppendLine "type=rpm-md"
AppendLine "baseurl="
AppendLine "gpgcheck=1"
AppendLine "gpgkey="
AppendLine "enabled=1"

set -x
yum makecache
yum -y repolist
exit $?

Delete a repository

Ubuntu / Debian
DefVar $delrepo$
DefStringlist = $resultlist$

set $delrepo$ = "deb ./"

if LineBeginning_ExistsIn($delrepo$, "/etc/apt/sources.list")
	PatchTextFile_del_repo_deb  "/etc/apt/sources.list"
	set $resultlist$ = shellCall("apt-get update")

FindLine_StartingWith "$delrepo$"
DefVar $delrepo$

comment "$delrepo$ is the section name of the repo file in /etc/zypp/repos.d/"
comment "$delrepo$ can be found by zypper lr"
set $delrepo$ = "home_uibmz_opsi_opsi40"

set -x
zypper --non-interactive rr  $delrepo$
exit $?
CentOS / Redhat
DefVar $delrepo$

comment "$delrepo$ ist the name of the repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d"
set $delrepo$ = "/etc/yum.repos.d/home:uibmz:opsi:opsi40.repo"

set -x
rm $delrepo$
yum makecache
yum -y repolist
exit $?

Installing a package

Generic for all supported distributions

A simple example:

importlib "uib_lin_install"

DefStringlist $packages$
DefVar $installresult$

comment "install new needed packages"
if waitForPackageLock("300", "false")
	comment "we got the package lock."
	LogError "could not get Package Lock"

set $packages$ = CreateStringlist("lsb-release","cifs-utils","xterm")
set $installresult$ = genericLinInstall($packages$)
if not(stringtobool($installresult$))
	LogError "failed install packages"
	Message "failed install packages"
	isFatalError "failed dependent packages"

A more sophisticated example:

importlib "uib_lin_install"

DefStringlist $packages$
DefVar $installresult$
DefStringlist $errorList$
DefVar $fatal_error$
DefVar $result_string$

if waitForPackageLock("300", "false")
	comment "we got the package lock."
	LogError "could not get Package Lock"

comment "update and clean package system"

comment "install pending updates"
set $result_string$ = installupdates()

comment "install new needed packages"
set $packages$ = CreateStringlist("lsb-release","cifs-utils","xterm")
set $installresult$ = genericLinInstall($packages$)
if not(stringtobool($installresult$))
	if waitForPackageLock("300", "false")
		comment "we got the package lock."
		LogError "could not get Package Lock"
	set $installresult$ = genericLinInstall($packages$)
	if not(stringtobool($installresult$))
		LogError "failed install packages"
		Message "failed install packages"
		;isFatalError "failed install packages"
		set $fatal_error$ = "true"
		set $errorList$ = addtolist($errorList$, " failed install packages")

macOS specific functions

For macOS support there are the following special functions:

  • GetOS // 'Linux' or 'Windows_NT' or 'macos' [W/L/M] GetOS

  • getMacosVersionInfo [M] getMacosVersionInfo

  • getMacosVersionMap [M] getMacosVersionMap

  • getOSArchitecture // 'x86_32' or 'x86_64' or 'arm_64' [W/L/M] getOSArchitecture

  • chmod in Files sections [L/M] xref:prim-section.adoc#chmod>>

  • importlib "uib_macosinstalllib" :

  • install_macos_app($myapp$ : string) : string [M]

  • install_macos_pkg($mypkg$ : string) : string [M]

  • install_macos_dmg($mydmg$ : string) : string [M]

  • install_macos_zip($myzip$ : string) : string [M]

  • install_macos_generic($myfile$ : string) : string [M]

The details to these library commands you will find here: Documentation of opsi library: uib_macosinstalllib.opsiscript

References to more macOS specific library functions you will find at: macOS specific functions

Example scripts for macOS

Run on macOS only

DefVar $OS$

set $OS$ = GetOS

if not ($OS$ = "macos")
	logError "Installation aborted: wrong OS version: only macOS allowed"
	isFatalError "wrong OS"

Which macOS Version

The code:

Set  $macosinfomap$ = getMacosVersionMap

gives (for example) the log:

The value of the variable "$macosinfomap$" is now:
(string   0)Release=11.0
(string   1)Build=20A5364e
(string   2)kernel name=Darwin
(string   3)node name=vmmac1100onmm1.uib.local
(string   4)kernel release=20.1.0
(string   5)kernel version=Darwin Kernel Version 20.1.0: Fri Aug 28 20:45:30 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.
(string   6)machine=x86_64
(string   7)processor=i386
(string   8)operating system=macOS