Installing the minimal macOS opsi products.

For the distribution of software with opsi ready products are available for installation. These contain among other things the agent ('opsi-client-agent'), which must be installed for the management on clients.

There is an automated and a manual way to perform this. The automated way is recommended.

opsi standard software for macOS under opsi.

The following products are provided by opsi for macos as standard:

  • opsi-mac-client-agent

  • swaudit

  • hwaudit

  • m-homebrew (also check: the opsi product m-homebrew)

  • m-system-update

  • opsi-configed

  • opsi-logviewer

  • opsi-auto-update

  • m-javavm

  • opsi-setup-detector

  • windomain

Automatic installation of the minimal macOS opsi products.

For the automatic installation of the opsi products there is the tool opsi-package-updater, which is configured in /etc/opsi/opsi-package-updater.conf or /etc/opsi/package-updater.repos.d/. It also automatically fetches the current packages from the opsi repository and installs them on the server.

The configuration of the opsi repositories for macOS clients can be found in the directory /etc/opsi/package-updater.repos.d/ in the files uib-mac-testing.repo and uib-mac.repo.

Activate the desired repos by setting the entry active = true in the choosen *.repo file.

; This repository provides testing of opsi products to manage MacOS
; clients with opsi.

description = opsi macos packages in testing
active = true
baseUrl =
dirs = opsi4.2/testing/packages/macos/localboot/
autoInstall = false
autoUpdate = true
autoSetup = false
; Set Proxy handler like: http://<address>:8080
proxy =
; This repository provides table opsi roducts for managing MacOS
; clients with opsi.

description = opsi macos packages in stable
active = true
baseUrl =
dirs = opsi4.2/stable/packages/macos/localboot/
autoInstall = false
autoUpdate = true
autoSetup = false
; Set Proxy handler like: http://<address>:8080
proxy =

Install the packages on the server by running the command as root:

opsi-package-updater -v --repo uib_macos_stable install


opsi-package-updater -v --repo uib_macos_testing install

After a successful installation you have to reload all data on the opsi-configed to make the new products become visible there.

If the connection has to be routed through a proxy to access the Internet, this must be entered as the value for proxy in the .repo configuration files under /etc/opsi/package-updater.repos.d/. As of version of opsi-utils, a global proxy can be configured in /etc/opsi/opsi-package-updater.conf.

proxy =

Should installed packages be updated later, this can be done with the following command:

opsi-package-updater -v update

More information about opsi-package-updater can be found in the manual.

Manual installation of the macOS opsi products.

It is also possible to manually download and install the packages.

Get the latest opsi packages in the .opsi package format. You can find the packages at or at

We recommend saving the .opsi files to /var/lib/opsi/repository. To ensure that opsiconfd can access the files, opsi-set-rights /var/lib/opsi/repository should be run.

After downloading, you need to install the packages on the server using the command opsi-package-manager -i <package-name>.opsi.