Installing the minimal Windows opsi products

To distribute software with opsi, ready-made products are available for installation. These include the agent ('opsi-client-agent'), which must be installed on the clients for management.

There is an automated and a manual way to do this. The automated option is recommended.

Automatic installation of the minimal Windows opsi products

For the automatic installation of the opsi products there is the tool opsi-package-updater, which configured as in '/etc/opsi/opsi-package-updater.conf' or /etc/opsi/package-updater.repos.d/, automatically fetches the current packages from the opsi repository and installs them on the server.

The configuration of the opsi repository for Windows clients can be found in the directory /etc/opsi/package-updater.repos.d/ in the file uib-windows.repo.

Activate the desired repository by setting the entry active = true in the desired *.repo file.

; This repository provides products for deploying and managing Microsoft
; Windows clients with opsi.

description = opsi Windows Support
active = true
baseUrl =
dirs = opsi4.2/stable/packages/windows/localboot/, opsi4.2/stable/packages/windows/netboot/
autoInstall = false
autoUpdate = true
autoSetup = false
; Set Proxy handler like: http://<address>:8080
proxy =

Install the packages on the server by running this command as root:

opsi-package-updater -v --repo uib_windows install

After a successful installation you have to reload all data in opsi-configed so that the new products are visible there.

If the connection to the Internet has to be routed via a proxy, this must be entered in the .repo configuration files in /etc/opsi/package-updater.repos.d/ as the value for proxy. From version of opsi-utils a global proxy can be configured in /etc/opsi/opsi-package-updater.conf.

proxy =

If the installed packages are to be updated later, this can be linuxed with the following command:

opsi-package-updater -v update

Further information on opsi-package-updater can be found in the manual.

Please note that OS installation products such as win10-x64 are not immediately ready for use after installation. The installation has to be supplemented by the installation files of the corresponding installation medium (see: [firststeps-osinstall-fill-base-packages]).

Manual installation of the Windows opsi products

There is also the option of downloading and installing the packages manually.

We recommend saving the .opsi files under /var/lib/opsi/repository. To ensure that the process opsiconfd can access the files, you should run opsi-set-rights /var/lib/opsi/repository.

After downloading you have to install the packages on the server with the command opsi-package-manager -i <packagename>.opsi.