Installation guide

This chapter shows two ways to install the opsi-webgui on the config server: The installation via the opsi repository and via the admin interface. We recommend the first option, as it updates the webgui with every update of the installed system packages.

Installation from the opsi repository

For the opsi-webgui installation from the opsi repository you need to specify the correct repository branch. After the installation of the webgui with the systems packagemanager you can visit the opsi-webgui at https://<configserver-address>:4447/addons/webgui/app

Currently opsi-webgui is only available from the stable or experimental branch.

Example for Debian / Ubuntu
We recommend setting up an exception for the opsi-webgui (unless you have set the stable branch as the main branch in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/opsi.list).

  1. (Optional) Create a new file located in /etc/apt/preferences.d/ e.g. 10-opsi-webexp with following content:

    # /etc/apt/preferences.d/10-opsi-webexp
    Package: *
    Pin: release l=home:uibmz:opsi:4.2:stable
    Pin-Priority: 501
    Package: opsi-webgui
    Pin: release l=home:uibmz:opsi:4.2:testing
    Pin-Priority: 502

    The content tells the system to get all packages from the stable repository if available. For the opsi-webgui, the testing repository also applies.

  2. Install the opsi-webgui with

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install opsi-webgui
    sudo opsiconfd restart

    To update the opsi-webgui the following command can be used:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade opsi-webgui

Installation through admininterface using ZIP-file

Installation via the admin interface works regardless of the system used. However, since there is only one installation, updates have to be installed manually (unless the correct repository is set up).

To install with, proceed as follows:

  1. Laden Sie die neuste Version der opsi-webgui (ZIP-Datei) von herunter.

  2. Go to https://<configserver-address>:4447/admin/#addons.

  3. Upload the file and press the [Install addon] button.