
The following chapters describe ways to find and fix problems.

General troubleshooting

Usually we first see the symptons of a problem and this is what makes us realise something went wrong. Our next step should be finding out where the problem lies. Once we know what our problem is we can attempt to fix it.

While checking where the problem comes from it is a good idea to revisit the relevant chapters and double check your configuration. Spending hours debugging a problem to then find out you made a typo can be frustrating.

When going through the following suggestions you should continously try to reproduce the error to see if this made the problem disappear.

You can use the opsiconfd health-check and opsiconfd diagnostic-data commands to check the configuration and status of the opsi server.

Install updates

Usually an easy first step is to make sure that you are using the latest versions when encountering problems. By switching to a newer version you increase the chance that an existing problem has been fixed in the meantime.

Whenever updates for opsi are released an information is posted on the forums. Along with the release information changelogs are posted that can help you identify what version of a component contains the fix relevant to your problem.

On a Debian-based system you can install updates for your OS with the following commands:

apt update
apt dist-upgrade

Afterwards you should update your opsi packages:

opsi-package-updater -v update

opsiconfd setup and opsi-set-rights

Many errors can be corrected by running opsiconfd setup. To ensure that the file permissions are correct, you should run the opsi-set-rights script.

opsiconfd setup

After this you should restart the opsi service so that they use the new configurations.

systemctl restart opsiconfd.service
systemctl restart opsipxeconfd.service

The configuration is applied now. You should check that the services are running:

systemctl status opsiconfd.service
systemctl status opsipxeconfd.service

In some cases the restart of a server may also work wonders.


To figure out what goes wrong a look into the logs is often the best route to follow. By default most opsi components log information that is useful during runtime but for finding out the cause of a problem you often have to increase the loglevel. After increasing the loglevel try to reproduce the previous behaviour and then look into the logs.

Once you finished solving your problem do not forget to reduce the loglevel back to defaults because high loglevel may slow down your servers or result in using up a lot of unwanted disk space.

Troubleshooting specific problems

The following chapters contain information about troubleshooting specific problems.

MySQL server has gone away

This error is accompanied by an error message like to following:

Execute error: (2006, 'MySQL server has gone away')

This error can have multiple causes which makes it important to look through the logs of your server.

Packet size

One possible cause of this error is that parts of queries exceed the allowed size. This is especially true if the error appears repeatedly over short time spans.

A solution to this can be to tune the max_allowed_packet setting of your MySQL server.

Connection Pool: Connectin lifetime

One possible cause of this can be that a connection of the connection pool of the MySQL backend is unable to reach the MySQL server after a long abstinence. In such a case it is possible that the server has closed the connection on it’s side.

A solution to this can be to limit the lifetime of connections by adjusting the value for server:components/mysql.adoc#_konfigurationsdatei. This should usually be lower than the timeout configured on the MySQL server (variable wait_timeout). With a default of 28800 seconds in MySQL 8.0 you could set the connection lifetime in opsi to 28500 seconds e.g.

Unable to access depot shares

Check if samba is running:

ps -ef | grep mbd

At least one nmbd and one smbd process should be running.

To restart Samba:

systemctl restart smbd.service
systemctl restart nmbd.service

It can also help to set the pcpatch-password. In a multi-depot environment we recommend to set this the same on all servers.

opsiconfd setup --set-depot-user-password

Accessing opsi webservice does not work

Check if the opsi service opsiconfd is running and responding.

Open the address https://<server-address>:4447/info with your browser. If you can’t connect check if the required services are running and check the corresponding logfiles.

If accessing the page works check the loads of the webservice. This makes use of 'rrdtool' with Python bindinds. Install them if needed.

Make sure that enough space is available on the server.

If you can not connect, continue with next step. If you can connect: check the load of 'opsi-webservice' and check the freespace on disk (scroll down in the info-page).
For the generation of load images you need 'rrdtool' with Python-bindings. Please install them if needed.