
Files on an opsi repository server are accessed through WebDAV or Samba. Samba is the standard method, except in the case of Docker (refer to the section opsi as Docker container), as the Docker container supports only WebDAV.

The opsiconfd setup command (see section opsiconfd setup) not only modifies the Samba configuration but also automatically creates several shares, including:
  • opsi_depot (/var/lib/opsi/depot): Access to the product depot (read-only)

  • opsi_depot_rw (/var/lib/opsi/depot): Access to the product depot (read-write)

  • opsi_images (/var/lib/opsi/ntfs-images): Access to storing NTFS images (read-write)

  • opsi_workbench (/var/lib/opsi/workbench): Access to the product workbench (read-write)

  • opsi_repository (/var/lib/opsi/repository): Access to the product repository (read-only)

  • opsi_logs (/var/log/opsi): Access to the directory with logfiles (read-only)

Access to the Shares

By default, opsi clients access the opsi_depot share using the user pcpatch (for more details, see chapter Authorizations). To mount the depot shares, it’s necessary to specify the domain and username. This is done using the host parameter clientconfig.depot.user:

config: clientconfig.depot.user = opsiserver\pcpatch

With this configuration, the domain opsiserver and the user pcpatch are used for authentication when mounting the share.

If the opsi server is part of a Windows/Samba 4 domain and the user pcpatch is a domain user, then you should use <domain name>\pcpatch or <NetBIOS name of the opsi server>\pcpatch for authentication.

This setting can be configured either through the opsi-configed management interface (refer to section Host Parameters: Client and Server Configuration) or via the command line using the opsi-admin tool (see section opsi-admin):

opsi-admin -d method config_createUnicode clientconfig.depot.user "clientconfig.depot.user" opsiserver\pcpatch