
If you’ve installed opsi-configed as a localboot product, launch the management interface using the shortcut in your start menu. For macOS users, the tool is accessible in the Applications folder via the Finder.

However, if you are using the portable Java application, first make the downloaded file executable under Linux and macOS. To do this, open a terminal window and enter the following command:

chmod +x
chmod +x opsi-configed-macos

On Windows, start the portable application by double-clicking opsi-configed-windows.exe. Under Linux and macOS, start the program from the terminal using this command:


Start Parameters

Various parameters are available to modify how opsi-configed behaves when launched from a terminal. These parameters enable you to input your username and password for login, disable the certificate validation or open the logviewer. To view all the available parameters, simply use --help when starting the application:

opsi-configed: Start Parameters
user@computer:~/Downloads$ ./ --help
Starting opsi-configed, please wait...
[1] [2025-02-18 18:10:33.974] [main           ] configed version  ( 2025-02-18 )
usage: configed [OPTIONS] , where an OPTION may be
    --collect_queries_until_no <arg>     Collect the first N queries; N = -1 (DEFAULT).  -1 meaning 'no collect'. 0 meaning 'infinite'
 -d,--directory <arg>                    Directory for log files. DEFAULT: an opsi log directory
                                         dependent on system and user privileges, see /help/logfile
    --disable-certificate-verification   Disable opsi-certificate verification with server, by DEFAULT enabled
 -f,--filename <arg>                     filename for the log file
 -ff,--feature-flags <arg>               A list of features to activate on start. Available features are: MESSAGE_OF_THE_DAY
 -h,--host <arg>                         Configuration server HOST to connect to. DEFAULT: choose interactive
    --help                               Give this help
    --initUserRoles                      On command line, perform  the complete initialization of user roles if something was changed
 -l,--locale <arg>                       Set locale LOC (format: <language>_<country>). DEFAULT: System.locale
    --localizationfile <arg>             For translation work, use  EXTRA_LOCALIZATION_FILENAME as localization file, the file name format has to be:
    --localizationstrings                For translation work, show internal labels together with the strings of selected localization
    --loglevel <arg>                     Set logging level N, N is a number >= 0, <= 9 . DEFAULT: 4
 -lv,--logviewer                         Use this option to start logviewer instead of configed
 -otp,--one-time-password <arg>          One time password for authentication. DEFAULT: give interactive
                                         OTP is a paid feature. Should be used when license is available and OTP is enabled for a user
 -p,--password <arg>                     Password for authentication. DEFAULT: give interactive
 -qg,--definegroupbysearch <arg>         On command line: populate existing group GROUP_NAME with clients resulting from search SAVEDSEARCH_NAME
 -qs,--querysavedsearch <arg>            On command line: tell saved host searches list resp. the search result for [SAVEDSEARCH_NAME])
 -s,--savedstates <arg>                  Directory for the files which keep states specific for a server connection. DEFAULT: Similar to log directory
 -sso,--single-sign-on                   Try to connect automatically via single-sign-on (host have to be given). DEFAULT: disabled

    --swaudit-csv <arg>                  export csv swaudit reports for given clients
    --swaudit-pdf <arg>                  export pdf swaudit reports for given clients
 -u,--user <arg>                         User for authentication. DEFAULT: give interactive
 -v,--version                            Tell configed version

Setting the Loglevel

By default, opsi-configed logs at level 4 (warning). You can also set the log level lower or higher, for example to log level 6 (info) or level 7 (debug). In total, opsi distinguishes between 10 different log levels:

  • 0 - none: Logging is completely deactivated

  • 1 - essential: Very important messages

  • 2 - critical: Critical errors

  • 3 - error: Errors

  • 4 - warning: Warnings

  • 5 - notice: Important information

  • 6 - info: Further information 7 - debug: Messages for troubleshooting 8 - trace: Lots of details, e.g. recorded communication 9 - secret: Confidential information

To set the loglevel when starting the application, use the parameter --loglevel <number>; you can choose a number between 0 and 9.

Use caution with enabling level 7 and higher, as these loglevels should be reserved for situations where the program is experiencing startup issues. Activating these levels can lead to extensive and detailed logfiles.

If opsi-configed is already running, you can set the log level via the Help menu.

*opsi-configed*: Setting the Loglevel via the Menu
Figure 1. opsi-configed: Setting the Loglevel via the Menu

Directory for Logfiles

For Linux and macOS, logfiles are by default located in the hidden .configed folder in your home directory. On Windows, you’ll find the logs at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\\log. The latest logfile is named configed.log, while older logs are marked with an underscore and a sequential number, like configed_0.log, configed_1.log, and so on.

When starting opsi-configed you can use the parameter -d (long form: --directory) to specify a different directory for the logfiles:

./ -d ~/.logs/opsi/
You can find out which logfile is currently being used by clicking on Current log file in the Help menu. In the dialog box that opens, you can copy the path to the clipboard or open it in the standard text editor.
*opsi-configed*: Viewing the current Logfile (Linux)
Figure 2. opsi-configed: Viewing the current Logfile (Linux)

Choosing the Language

opsi-configed uses your operating system’s language settings. If there’s no localization available for that language, the interface will default to English. Additionally, if a translation is missing for a specific term within the language file, that term will also appear in English.

To select a different language for the interface when launching the program, use the -l parameter (or its extended form --locale):

./ -l en_US

Instead of specifying the full format <language>_<region> (such as en_US, de_DE), you can simply use the language code (en, de or fr). This will apply the available localization files for all language variants.

To change the language in an active opsi-configed session, navigate to File / Select language. The program will reinitialize, rebuilding (almost) all components in the new language.

With the --localizationfile parameter, you can set a custom localization file. Additionally, using --localizationstrings ensures that opsi-configed shows all terms from the localization file that need translation.

The last two parameters are especially useful for testing your own localization files.