SSL/TLS & Certificates

A list of CA certificates that are considered trustworthy in an opsi environment are stored on the opsi config server. These certificates are used by all opsi components to verify the identity of servers and clients. The opsi components automatically keep these CA certificates up to date.

The CA certificates are stored on the opsi config server in the file /etc/opsi/ssl/opsi-ca-cert.pem in PEM format. Detailed information on the currently stored CA certificates can be viewed on the admin page of the opsi config server (https://<server-address>:4447/admin).

The certificates can be accessed at the URL https://<server-address>:4447/ssl/ca-certs.pem.

opsi CA

Each 'opsi config server' manages a Certificate Authority (CA), the 'opsi CA'. This CA is automatically managed by the 'opsi config server'. Every 'opsi server', including the 'opsi depot servers', receives a TLS certificate from the 'opsi config server', which is signed by this CA. These certificates are also automatically created, distributed and updated as required. Every client that trusts the 'opsi CA' also trusts these server certificates.

To limit the damage potential of a compromised 'opsi CA', there is the option of restricting it via so-called 'X.509 name constraints'. For this purpose, the opsiconfd configuration parameter ssl-ca-permitted-domains can be used to specify a list of domains for which the domains for which the 'opsi CA' is allowed to issue certificates.

The certificate of the 'opsi CA' can be retrieved from any 'opsi-Configserver' under the URL https://<server-address>:4447/ssl/opsi-ca-cert.pem.

Options for using server certificates from other certification authorities are also described below. By default, however, the 'opsi-Configserver' uses a certificate signed by the 'opsi CA'. The corresponding default configuration is ssl-server-cert-type = opsi-ca.

Operation of the opsi CA as Intermediate-CA

It is recommended to operate the opsi CA as its own root CA. This is also the preconfigured default.

Alternatively it is also possible to operate the opsi CA as an intermediate CA. For this the following steps are necessary:

  • Create a backup of the opsi server, especially of the configuration below /etc/opsi.

  • Create an intermediate CA. Here the following configuration should be used:
    authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
    basicConstraints = critical,CA:true,pathlen:0
    keyUsage = critical,digitalSignature,cRLSign,keyCertSign

  • Place the private key of the Intermediate CA in encrypted PEM format under /etc/opsi/ssl/opsi-ca-key.pem on the opsi server.

  • The passphrase to the private key of the Intermediate-CA must be stored via --ssl-ca-key-passphrase in /etc/opsi/opsiconfd.conf or as an environment variable.

  • Store the certificate of the Intermediate CA together with the certificate of the Root CA in PEM format under /etc/opsi/ssl/opsi-ca-cert.pem on the opsi server.

  • Install the certificate of the root CA on the opsi server.

  • Make sure that the opsiconfd uses the certificate database of the operating system (--ssl-trusted-certs).

  • Add opsi_ca to --skip-setup to disable the opsi CA management by opsiconfd.

  • Restart the opsiconfd.

  • Ensure that the intermediate CA is renewed and replaced in time before expiration.

Please note the information on change of certification authority.

Verification of the server identity by opsi-client-agent

If an 'opsi-client-agent' connects to an 'opsi-configserver', it automatically retrieves the currently stored CA certificates and stores them under 'c:\\tls\opsi-ca-cert.pem' or '/etc/opsi-client-agent/tls/opsi-ca-cert.pem'. However, this only happens on the condition that either no 'opsi CA' is stored there or a secure, verified connection with the 'opsi-Configserver' exists.

The verification of server connections has been active by default since opsi 4.3. In opsi environments that have been migrated from older versions, this option must be activated manually. Activation takes place via the Boolean host parameter ''. This parameter can then be set to true on a client-specific basis or activated globally. Verification is then activated. If webdav is used as clientconfig.depot.protocol, the 'opsi depot server' is also checked accordingly.

As soon as verification is activated, the client will refuse connections to servers without a valid certificate. It should therefore be ensured in advance that the mechanism works as desired.

It is also possible to store the 'opsi CA' in the operating system’s certificate store. In this case, both the operating system and all applications that use this certificate store trust trust the 'opsi CA' and the certificates of the 'opsi server'. This is also a prerequisite for being able to mount an opsi depot via WevDAV.

The corresponding Boolean configuration is If this is activated, the 'opsi-client-agent' automatically installs the 'opsi CA' in the certificate store of the operating system.

Problem solving

If the situation arises that a client no longer accepts the server certificate of the 'opsi-Configserver' due to problems with the CA certificates, the client can no longer be managed via the normal opsi mechanisms.

In this case, there are several ways to solve the problem:

Deleting the CA certificates on the client

The 'opsi-ca-cert.pem' file is deleted on the client. The next time you connect to the 'opsi-Configserver', the 'opsi-client-agent' will retrieve the CA certificates again.

Replacing the CA certificates via the control server of the opsi-client-agent

The CA certificates can be updated via the control server API of the opsi-client-agent. The RPC 'updateOpsiCaCert' is used for this. The new certificates are transferred as a string in PEM format via the 'ca_cert_pem' parameter.

Via a temporary server certificate from uib GmbH

In addition to the CA certificates of the respective environment, an 'opsi-client-agent' also trusts the 'uib opsi CA' if the corresponding configuration '' is set to 'true'. The 'uib opsi CA' is managed by 'uib GmbH'. uib GmbH is therefore able to generate a temporarily valid server certificate for the 'opsi-Configserver'. This certificate can then be installed on the 'opsi-configserver' of the environment. The 'opsi-client-agent' then reconnects and automatically retrieves the CA certificates of the respective environment. Once this process has taken place on all affected clients, the temporary certificate can be removed again.

Using Let’s Encrypt

The Let’s Encrypt extension makes it possible to automatically obtain and renew SSL/TLS certificates for the opsi config server via the Let’s Encrypt certification authority.

The following requirements must be met in order to use Let’s Encrypt:

  • Since an HTTP-01 challenge is used, the opsi config server must be accessible via a public IP address on port 80.

  • A public DNS entry must exist for the stored in opsi.conf, which points to the public IP address of the opsi config server.

The configuration is carried out in the opsiconfd service. Here the parameter ssl-server-cert-type is set to letsencrypt. Furthermore, a contact e-mail address for notifications from Let’s Encrypt should be stored in the letsencrypt-contact-email parameter.

During an opsiconfd setup, or when the opsiconfd service is restarted, the certificate is automatically obtained from Let’s Encrypt and stored in the file system of the opsi server. The certificate is then automatically renewed by Let’s Encrypt before it expires. The Let’s Encrypt CA certificates are also updated automatically. No further manual steps are necessary.

Please note the information on Change of certification authority.

Using your own certification authority

The Custom-CA extension allows you to use your own certification authority (CA) to issue certificates for the opsi config server.

The configuration takes place in the opsiconfd service. Here the parameter ssl-server-cert-type is set to custom-ca.

The certificate of the CA used and, if necessary, other certificates up to the root CA (fullchain) must be attached in PEM format to the file /etc/opsi/ssl/opsi-ca-cert.pem on the opsi server. The certificate of the opsi CA must remain in the file.

The next step is to create a certificate from your own CA for the opsi config server. The private key of the certificate must be stored in (encrypted) PEM format under /etc/opsi/ssl/opsiconfd-key.pem. and the certificate itself must be stored in PEM format under /etc/opsi/ssl/opsiconfd-cert.pem on the opsi server.

Please note the information on Change of certification authority.

Change of certification authority

If there are already active opsi clients, there are a few things to consider when changing the certification authority, e.g. from the opsi CA to your own CA or to Let’s Encrypt.

The clients have stored the certificate of the previous certification authority in their local certificate store. They therefore only trust server certificates that have been signed by this certification authority. Before a server certificate signed by a different certification authority can be used for the opsi config server, the clients must also know and trust the new certification authority.

Since the clients retrieve the CA certificates each time a connection is established, it is sufficient if the CA certificates of the new certification authority are stored on the opsi config server. It then only takes a little time until all clients have retrieved the new CA certificates.

Before changing ssl-server-cert-type, the new CA certificates must therefore also be stored in the file /etc/opsi/ssl/opsi-ca-cert.pem.

In the case of Let’s Encrypt, these are the following CA certificates:

If there are connection problems after changing the server certificate to another certification authority, the old configuration can be restored. To do this, simply set the ssl-server-cert-type back to the original value.