User Guide

This chapter explores all functionalities and features from a user perspective, including logging into the system, managing opsi servers and clients, handling localboot and netboot products, and managing client groups, among other tasks.


To use the WebGUI, you need an up-to-date browser, e.g. Chrome/Chromium, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), etc.

Make sure that JavaScript is activated in the browser. If you use a browser add-on such as NoScript or similar, deactivate it for the page.

Additionally, you must have access to the opsi-Configserver or the opsiconfd service. An internet connection isn’t strictly necessary for local operations. Your user account should also be a member of the opsiadmin group (refer to chapter Authorizations).


Open the address https://<opsi-server>:4447/addons/webgui/app in the browser. If the connection to the opsi-webgui backend and thus to opsiconfd is successful, the following dialog appears:

WebGUI: Login dialog
Figure 1. WebGUI: Login dialog

Enter the username and password and click on Login.